I know..no posts for almost a month and then two in the same day. I felt a "little" productive today and since tomorrow we start in to school full swing again I did some baking. I made some pizza dough from this cookbook (which I use a lot) and made mini-pizzas with olive oil and garlic. They had a little too much salt in the dough but other than that they turned out great. I used the Cuisinart and it was really fast. Think I'll be whipping up some pizza dough for some big pizzas one of these days.
I also made some cookies from Giada's cookbook.
They turned out yummy although it called for hazelnuts (which I did not have) and also semi-sweet chips (which somehow have disappeared). So I improvised with a few semi-sweet chunks that I ground up in the Cuisinart and the last two Almond Roca's in the can. The recipe actually made a lot of cookies. The kids were very excited about the "baking" mommy and are begging me to make some more things. I told them two items were enough for one day and we'd make something else tomorrow. My eldest is dying to make spice muffins from this same cookbook and I've put him off long enough. So tomorrow Spice Muffins are on the menu...probably as a mid-morning snack.
I'm waiting to put up photos of the wedding until the photographer puts them on his blog and I can link to that. My sister looked beautiful - like 50's pin-up style glamour. She's so much cuter (and smaller) than me - darn her! It was a beautiful day although there were thunderstorms predicted all day and it only rained a tiny bit as we were walking from the wedding site to the reception tent. On the way to the wedding the groom called us to say it was hailing while they were driving. Crazy weather but in the end it turned out beautiful. Here's a link to a few pictures a friend of ours took of the wedding.....