As soon as I wrote the title I thought of the line from this video...A happy heart is a thankful heart. Too true!
I woke up this morning to a card next to my bed.
I must say, I really scored in the husband department. I mean for one thing, he's a handsome foreigner (who doesn't love that - with an accent too!). And he is so kind, patient (has to be to be married to me), and just an awesome hubby and dad. One area where we don't see eye to eye is gift-giving. He was raised in a family of 6 kids. In a third-world country. They weren't a big present-giving family. And I love presents. Giving them and receiving them. And I am known for having big expectations. Like the first year we were dating, I thought he was going to propose. Instead he gave me a tiny pocketknife with a flashlight. We've been married for more than 12 years now so we've grown and adjusted and gotten to know each other better. I know if I really want something for my birthday, I need to tell him exactly where he can get it. And I've also learned, he'd rather I not even buy him a gift! I guess opposites attract! But sometimes it is nice to get surprised!
We never really celebrate Valentines least not now that we have 4 kids. I bought some steaks to bbq and was thinking it would be fun to get a love note but really thought that was a long shot. But I woke up with a card by my bed, another at the coffee pot and yet another at the computer (man, does he know my morning routine that well!!). And a gift certificate for a facial at this great place near our house! He's definitely a keeper!
One of the cards had this button on it...Our 10 year old wanted to know if I was going to wear it today :-).
Probably not honey, I told him. Of course, he has no idea what a "lover" actually stands for anyways. I'm not sure if anyone is horrified by our 10 year old not knowing about the birds and the bees yet but he just doesn't. He's only 10!
Yesterday we had dentist appointments for myself and our oldest two. B (our eldest daughter) had a tiny cavity on a baby tooth but it needs to get fixed since it won't fall out for a while. She's devastated....can't stop talking about it. We haven't had dental insurance for a while and so it's been 2 years since our last visit. (This will be horrifying to some but I hadn't had my teeth cleaned since before the 10 year old was born! And no cavities - whoo hoo!) She can't believe how she can have a cavity (since she eats fruits and veggies), while her brother who eats nothing but cheese and bread has none. Must be the calcium!
Anyway the whole dentist story was actually to say we bought a vacation home yesterday. Did you know they come in a box? Very convenient!
It's really a tent for our camp out this weekend. I had told hubby this could be our Valentines present for each other. Our old tent is ripping on all the corners and this one is bigger too. I am so excited about a new tent. And we searched EVERYWHERE for one yesterday. Our last stop was Sam's Club and we hit the jackpot! The kids and I were practically jumping up and down in front of it at Sam's. A worker actually turned to see what all the excitement was about :-)
Oh, and when I got home there was FUN mail waiting for me!
Hope all of you have happy hearts that are thankful for everything in your lives. I know I do!