Yesterday I started on the girls' curtains. I had previously tried some curtains but the prints ended up clashing with their room so I'll be using it as clothes for them instead. And I think I have mentioned how much I love this fabric so...
In the midst of the sewing Baby girl started looking through our photo albums. They are right in my sewing area and so I stopped and looked through them with her. I usually don't take the time if I'm in the middle of something (I know, bad mom) but I did and was so rewarded for it.
We looked at our wedding album first. We had a friend of the family take our photos and if there's one thing I could do over (well, two actually because I didn't really like my wedding dress), it would be to pay the money for a good photographer. But that was almost 13 years ago and we were poor (so were my parents) and photography has come such a long way since then. I'll share some on our anniversary (it's in Sept.) but I will say there's some great cake-smashing ones!!
We moved on to photos of the other 3 as babies and toddlers. It was so fun to reminisce. Man, the years really do fly by. I think she was a little upset that there weren't more of her in the albums. I tried my best to tell her that hers were all on the computer (and of much better quality - man, the difference a good camera makes!!) but how much does a 2 year old really understand of all that stuff. She was convinced every baby was her and I had to say "No, that's brother" or "No, that's sister".
We came across some pictures of Bela as a tiny baby on a blanket. Now Baby Girl has that blanket in her crib and sleeps with it every night. When I told her that she wasn't the baby on the blanket she got mad and said, "Baby, No, No, Flankie" (she has trouble pronouncing B's) - she was really serious. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing and I tried to tell her that Bela had the blanket before her but she didn't believe me. It was so cute and funny.
And that's why I haven't finished the curtains.
Today they all got haircuts and tomorrow is my turn. I'm thinking of going really short again. My hair is really straight and fine and does not grow fast. We'll see what I decide tomorrow. I made up a cutain for my hairdresser. She's amazing, always knows exactly what I want and charges next to nothing. today I was in there and she was talking about how she wanted a small curtain to go over this unsightly catch-all below the cash register. I heard myself volunteering and told her to pick a color and I'd pick out a cute print. No, it has to be plain white since the owner of the salon is rather picky. So, I sewed a small, white curtain to take to her tomorrow...she said she'd cut my hair for free but I can't let her. It barely took any time at all.
Ok somehow this post has gotten long...and hopefully not too boring if you've stayed with me so far. I promise to have exciting pictures of my curtains soon.....Oh, and, I ordered my fabric for my living room curtains today - I'm getting a whole bolt baby!! 15 yards - I am so excited. I may have to roll around in it on the floor when it comes!! This ebay store is great - she's really nice and the cheapest by a couple bucks!