Or fabric heaven...
I got two boxes from here...
One from here...
And a small one from here...
I love the pony skin fabric - think I'll use it as binding!
I spent the morning making a banner for my daughter's soccer team. I didn't have the camera since Hubby had it at work but I'll try and snap some tomorrow at the parade/opening day.
And because I am so impatient...I bought the first three books last night at Audible. I just opened an account there. And while at Costco tonight, I saw the 4th book and snatched it up too. That way I can sew during the first three and relax for the fourth one.
My family is watching the Olympics Opening Ceremony right now and I'm off to join them...can't wait to see all the events!!
Oh - and we dyed my hair again yesterday - which has made it pretty dry but at least it's not orange...now it's really blond. I kinda feel freakish but my family keeps reassuring me I look fine...