Thanks for all the well-wishes on the flooding. We were very lucky and only had the minor damage to the living room rug.
And today the sun is FINALLY shining but I guess there's more rain in the forecast for later this week.
Lots of people had their homes completely flooded - I can't imagine how you even begin to clean things up.
I did make it to the craft fair (but didn't attempt to bring the camera).
Friday night we went to the annual Haleiwa town parade and watched while lightning and thunder (and lots of rain) boomed down (we couldn't believe they didn't cancel it). We were under a big beach umbrella that I was sure was a lightning rod held up in the sky. Hubby assured me we were safe.
(our front yard)
As soon as we left the parade, the floodgates opened again and it poured rain all night.
I woke up on Sat. not sure if the craft fair was even on or if I would even be able to set up. But God was good and the rain held off until about an hour before the craft fair was over.
We saw it coming and packed up before the rain started. We got drenched putting everything in the car but at least our things stayed dry.
I did well for the weather being as it was - sold all my aprons except for one and all the burp cloths.
I have lots of things left but have already gotten a couple of emails from people I met at the craft fair regarding my Etsy shop so my plan is to get things loaded in there by the end of the week.
Yesterday we came home from church and took up the carpet (Hubby was smart and cut up little sections so we only had to move the furniture (and Christmas tree!) a little...we did manage to take out the angel with the ceiling fan but she's fine.
And today is my sister-in-law's birthday so a bunch of us girls went out last night to Yardhouse to celebrate. Happy Birthday Hope!
Today I plan to spend the day folding this...
and washing a pile just as big....
Result of a week of rain (and a washer and dryer outside) and too much sewing and not enough time spent doing household chores :-)
I do need a trip to Costco too - slim pickings in the fridge and I have a few last gifts to get. I can't believe how fast December is flying by!