I ended up getting this machine for Bela me and think it will be great to teach her on.
But for right now I'm sewing away on it.
I was going to do even more embroidery in the dark grey squares but then decided against it.
I'm also done with Oiyi's heart block.
I only took a sneak peek since I need to wait until tomorrow to take more pictures - it's too dark right now.
We just got home from a "Star Wars" 6th birthday - complete with Yoda Soda, Hoth Dogs and Jabba Jiggles (jello). She had named all the food - it was really cute.
They had built a big fort-like structure (the Millenium Falcon) out of huge cardboard boxes too. The kids had a blast.
I'm pretty excited to get started on some bigger sewing projects although we need to start school again so I'll just have to work on them when I can.