Poor Baby Girl fell in the living room last night and got a gash in her chin. We had to take her to the ER since the after-hours clinic doesn't do stitches so 4+ hours later, we were driving home with a stitched up little chin and a very tired girl (it was almost 1 am by the time we got home).
She was such a little trooper - didn't cry at all at the hospital....and even gave the doctor a little hug after she had finished her stitches.
I finished up the baby quilt on Saturday but didn't make it to the shower so I'll have to get it to her this week some time.
I also worked on a few more stars and two more spiderweb blocks - Hubby took the kids to the movies on Saturday night so I had an evening to myself and I spent it sewing :-)
I need to order some more linen/cotton blend in white before I can work on either quilt...I've run out.
I also finished up the binding on both of the doll quilts - I need to take pictures of the other one still.