I'm slowly feeling better...finally had to get a pregnancy test since it was seeming way too much like morning sickness - but I'm NOT. Just to set the record straight (my friends had some rumors flying over on Facebook).
We have our first soccer game tomorrow - not sure if I'll feel well enough to play or not but I think we need players so I kinda feel obligated.
I did feel better for a while today and decided to sort my enormous pile chest full of scraps. Man, I have a lot of scraps! Bags and bags full. I sorted them by color and then decided I needed to do something with the newly sorted scraps.
So I made ONE of these - these blocks are time-consuming...pretty, but time-consuming.
I guess I'll work on one every once in a while and will have a quilt when I'm 80 or something.
I've also been working a little at a time on a test pattern (I really need to finish it).
I started on Sarah's block for A Notion or Two.
She wanted texture and I had an idea in my mind. I hope it looks good when it's all finished.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday - that's another thing about living in Hawaii....we get to keep the same time all year round!