Have you all see this series? Wow! I may be one of the last people to watch it I guess. We recorded a couple episodes over the weekend and so the kids and I watched them as part of school on Monday and Tuesday.....so fascinating.
I had to buy the dvds when I saw them at Costco yesterday- they are that good.
I finished up 5 doll quilts and nailed them up to the wall yesterday.
The one little bird (the one that I appliqued) is a little off-center because there's a screw sticking through from the kitchen wall (and I needed to cover it)...Bela scratched herself on it and that's what first got us thinking about doll quilts for the wall.
(this one was supposed to be for this - but I saw it lying there and turned it into a doll quilt instead)
The little house one is down on Baby Girl's level and I think I'll make another "birds" quilt for her too.
I sewed up the front of my picnic quilt and after some wonderful advice, I am going to put batting in it so it will actually be a comfortable quilt to sit on.
I need to sew up a backing and (ughh) quilt it. It's pretty big - 76" square - so I think I'm going to just do lines since I want it to be softer anyways.
And - I gave this bag to my sister-in-law a while ago since she said she really like it (even though I told her it was a reject - the seams were too bulky).
Anyway, while she was in TX at the music conference look who she got a picture of - and there's my bag too :-)