So it's finally raining here..and feeling like November instead of the middle of Summer. I've been reading all the blogs in my reader and there's all these wonderful pictures of beautiful trees and Fall and we have sun, sun and more sun.
I'm sure you can't believe I'm complaining about sun but a little cold weather is nice every now and then...I'm sure I wouldn't be able to stand it for too long though. The rain does make sewing more fun though - and it's way cooler.
I usually do 2 craft fairs every December - one is our church's annual women's Christmas dinner and the other is a local elementary school's craft fair - both are pretty low-key and I sell a few things.
I was thinking about what to make this year - and thinking I would have 2 whole weeks of sewing time while the older two are in NY...but turns out the school craft fair is a few weeks early this year - Nov. 21st! So I'm trying to sort out some good ideas without overwhelming myself in the next 2 weeks.
(this was a practice one in case you were worried about those big stitches on the ruffle)
I usually make aprons and they sell pretty well - I was trying to do a variation and do a ruffle (with a rolled hem) on the bottom - just think I need to make a smaller ruffle - can you tell I'm using all my AB Love fabrics?
I also ended up taking this quilt top and ripping the seams to make it 4 smaller ones - I love the way they are turning out.
I doubled the batting to make them extra thick and soft and, instead of binding them, I am using this method and just tying them with yarn at the seams.
I also finished this quilt and Hubby is giving it to one of his co-workers who just had a baby boy...I don't have any good pictures since it's cloudy and rainy.
So I've been busy, busy as soon as school is done each day - and I haven't even thought about Christmas presents yet!