The weekend was fun - busy, but fun.
The wedding was beautiful and my brother and sister-in-law got a full dose of life with kids (they had to pull over on the side of the road for a potty break - ha ha!).
Monday night we went bowling with our cheesy Christmas sweaters......
and then Tuesday I met some friends at the ice skating rink (I had an eye appointment and took Baby Girl with me - my friends took the other three earlier). Baby Girl has this movie and has asked me forever for ice skates so I think she thought she'd be a natural - twirling around like nothing. So when she got the ice skates on and got out on the ice, she was a little disappointed to find out she couldn't skate at all..It was pretty funny.. She managed ok with the little walkers and even went around the big rink once holding my hand (I had to make sure I didn't fall over either - I hadn't been ice skating in a looong time!)
Did some baking yesterday -
(overcooked the sugar on the first batch - guess we have to keep them all!)
This yummy candy - which tastes just like a skor bar..I used Wheat Thins so I guess any cracker works..
yummy cookies (which I saw on this blog)....
and chocolate-chip pumpkin spice bars (which I am eating right now for breakfast)...
(this is pre-baking and frosting - very yummy!)
In a bit we are off to help set-up for our church's annual Christmas Eve service - We have a huge white tent outside at church and set it up to look like "Bethlehem Village" - there's a bakery, craft shops, candle maker, all kinds of different shops that might have been around 2,000 years ago. We all dress up in costumes and at the end of the evening we have a short service. It's perfect for the kids!