Well the quilt sold already - yeah! I sent an email with 2 more items...
Keep on the lookout - I'm sure some great things are going to be added in the next couple of days as word spreads.
At sewing class on Wed. I finished up Hope's blocks for The Block Swap quilting bee...
and last night I finished Carissa's block (it's 12" x approx. 26") for Common Threads - here's her design....
And I got the cutest fabric from Kathy at Pink Chalk Fabrics -
I had seen it in her photostream (or on her blog?) a while ago and had been waiting for it to come in so I snatched some up when it did - Baby Girl has requested a dress out of it so I'll see what I can do.
They are both going to be in ballet (Baby Girl had to wait until she turned 4) when it starts up again at the end of this month - she can hardly wait!