{That title makes me think of the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz - the kids watched it the other day on instant Netflix}
Started the day out with a long walk with my mom - we've gone the past few days and it has given me so much more energy.
I also joined Weight Watchers online on Saturday - It's helping me so much with portion size and choosing the right foods to eat - I'm eating so many more vegetables now.
I just need to get healthier {and lose about 15 lbs so all those jeans I just can't get rid of will fit me again!). I've stopped the coke and beer (I know Katie, but if you come here I'll still have some Belgians with you) and am trying to drink lots of water.
Just thought I'd post it here so I can keep myself more accountable.
On to the pretty part of the post:
Baby Girl in her little crocheted hat I got her for Christmas...
FUN mail...
(here's the link to the Etsy shop for the linen prints - newspaper and notebook...I've ordered from her a couple times - fast shipping and really sweet!)
and more fun mail...
{elusive transistors in blue and orange - I got mine here)
We are done with school for the day so think I'm going to work on my Spicing up the Kitchen swap goodies and that baby quilt.
I'm thinking random lines for the quilting so I'll try and work on a little tutorial for that as I sew.
Oh - and this is supposedly happening tomorrow - the excitement is building here (and on Facebook!).
Lots of people "call in sick" and the North Shore just stops...it's kinda crazy.
They have to wait until the waves get BIG to hold it so it's not a yearly event although they did hold it last year....think we'll stay home and watch snippets of it on tv instead - no way I'm going near that chaos!