I'm trying to win the award for "Best Auntie" before the baby is even born.
I mentioned it before, but after 10 years of marriage, my brother and sister-in-law finally decided to have a baby. And we are all ecstatic. She's not due until Jan. so I have time to work on "Best Auntie" status.
I decided to start on the first quilt for the little person (they find out in a couple weeks what they are having and then I will launch into full sew mode).
My sister-in-law is a gifted musician and so when I saw this pattern, I knew I wanted to make it.
And of course, I'm sure I did it the hard way. I don't know how to paper piece. But I do know how to freezer-paper piece. So I adapted it for my skills. I also enlarged the pattern by 200%. Then I printed it out on regular paper, taped it together and then printed it out again on freezer paper.
See...the hard way I'm sure. But it's the easy way for me :-)
This afternoon I pieced it together. It was SO fun watching the little ukulele come to life.
It measures 8.5" x 22" now but I want to try and make it into a baby size quilt. I have some ideas so we'll see how it comes together.
The pattern is for a mini quilt but I had no problem enlarging it.
The pattern is by The Sometimes Crafter - found here.
Oh and one more thing....I've joined Twitter! You can see the little button there on the side so feel free add me to your list. Not sure I'll have much to say but we'll see....