I've been busy doing some serious cleaning.
Moving furniture, cleaning windows and screens...you know, the big stuff.
I guess it's because we have our windows open all year round but houses sure get dirty/dusty in Hawaii...red dirt too - ugh!
I love this kind of cleaning though...makes me feel organized and ready for the new year.
I've been thinking of goals for the new year too.
Sewing goals and personal goals.
I thought I'd put a list here so I can remember them and hopefully cross them off by the end of next year.
Sewing goals:
* Make a quilt out of the Material Obsession 2 book (any quilt but preferably one of these)
* Make larger quilts (see above)
* Take more risks - submit projects to magazines, etc. - I am a bit of a baby when it comes to this...probably because I don't like rejection and worry my work is not good enough.
* Push myself in the Ringo Pie Bee - I have to be honest...we are starting round 2 and there are some mega-stars in this bee. And I am just not up there with them. I have thought about quitting a bunch of times. But I'm sticking it out and want to try and learn new techniques and broaden my creativity.

* Finish my ufo pile
* Try new styles of free-motion quilting.
* Add new products to my Etsy shop on a regular basis.
Personal Goals:
* Read my Bible and pray more.
* Lose some weight :-)
* Save, save, save - I'm such a spender and really want to break that habit in 2012.
* Finish painting the kitchen - cause 2 years is too long to have it half-way finished, right?!

* Paint the living room floor (it's concrete) and walls - I'm over the red...I'm thinking a pretty grey (to go with this fabric for the curtains - I absolutely love the Drawing Room fabric I have now but they are old and one has a big rip in it...so time for some new ones)

* Finally get caught up on the laundry...oh, who am I kidding, that will never happen - lol!
How about you all...got any New Year's goals?