No sewing happening around these parts.
{little succulent garden in our kitchen window}
Maybe tomorrow? But probably not.
{velvet pumkins I made last year}
Lots of goodie-making though.
Dipped in dark chocolate
with pecans from my Grandpa's yard (sad to think we will eventually use the last of them and never get more...)
most delicious cookies ever (well, the dough is so's chilling in the fridge now - seriously...SO good!)
Got some gorgeous fabric in the mail - new Velveteen from Anna Maria Horner:
Dying to make something out of it for the trip...passbort book? messenger bag? something!
No nephew yet but it's any day now - forcing myself not to start a new quilt until I finish his.
Most of all I wanted to drop in and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend filled with family and friends, laughter and cheer!