Things I'm slightly obsessed with lately....
Instagram/Lifeproof case/Underwater pictures:
So, so fun!!
(and in case you think I only take pics of Baby Girl, she's the only one who will pose for me!!)
The beach has been a big theme this week...we've gone a lot!
New Echino - eep!!! Fabricworm has them in stock along with Melody Miller's new line and Nursery Versery by Heather Ross.
But oh, the Echino - I mean, come on!! SO cute! And all the bundles are 10% off right now...hurry!!
Giveaways - there's another one coming up on Monday - and it's a good one!
And the winners of the Lunden Designs/Fabricworm giveaway are.....
#193 and #17:
#193 - mjb - Storyboek bundle + By Land or by Sea pattern
#17 - My Piece of the World - Scamper bundle + Stargazer pattern
See - aren't you glad I'm obsessed?!
Ha ha! Have a great weekend!!