I'm a pretty independent person so when I was thinking of being gone for 10 days it didn't seem like too long. Boy was I wrong.

Don't get me wrong - I had a TON of fun in Seattle and Salt Lake but I really missed my family.
Plus I didn't sleep good the entire trip so that had a little to do with it too.
And that altitude really threw me off in SLC! I'm a sea level girl, people - I felt nauseous and dizzy in SLC and couldn't figure out why until someone told me it was probably the altitude - ha ha!
I have been doing a lot of thinking about blogging and sewing and have more to share next week but for now I wanted to share my trip with you all (and write it down for myself so I don't forget!).
I went to Seattle first as one of my very best friends lives there. We grew up together here in Hawaii and she moved away after high school but we've always kept in touch. The last time I saw her was 5 years ago at my sister's wedding.

I had such a fun time....we went to a Sounders game on Sunday, walked along Pike's Market and did some shopping, wandered into this cool bar and discovered an awesome new band, and just hung out and talked.

She was also a great sport about hanging out with a bunch of quilters and talking about fabrics, blogging and quilting.
I arrived in Seattle late Friday night and Saturday morning we headed to Ballard and Dry Good Designs to meet up with Keli and Krista (and Krista's mom - who is the sweetest!!).

I've been emailing back and forth with Krista for a long time now so it was so fun to be able to meet her in person! They were on their way back to Vancouver but we got to chat for a little while and shop at Keli's.
She's just what I thought she'd be - smart, funny and super sweet!! I really wish we had had lots more time but am so happy I finally got to meet her.
Keli's shop is the cutest thing ever (and she is just so great! Super thoughtful - thanks again for buying that beer, Keli - that was so sweet of you!) - if you live in Seattle (or nearby) you HAVE to stop in - everything is so well thought-out and her fabrics and other items are gorgeous. I bought a few things that morning and then that night bought a little more :-)

Saturday night Katie had made reservations for a bunch of us to go out to dinner. We met at her house and she is just so down-to-earth! In my mind, she's one of my quilting heroes (she and Jacquie) and so to meet her in person and just have normal conversations about everyday stuff was so cool!

Heather and Jamie drove up from Portland (thank you SO much for doing that girls - it was so fun!) and Megan met us too.
It was so fun to meet everyone in real life that I had talked to online. We also met up with Krista, Sandi, Keli and CHARISE!! at dinner. I didn't even know Charise lived in Seattle and had no idea she was coming to dinner so it was so fun to meet up with another Ringo Pie-er! Plus she's just so great!!
Somehow I did not get a picture of Heather, Jamie and I together!! How did that happen?! Do you have one, Heather? I stole these from Heather!

We had a blast - got to sample Megan's husband's amazing wine - so good! Brought my mom home a bottle of one of his reds.

And then we all went back to Keli's and just hung out and talked for a while (and shopped). It was really so cool and kinda surreal :-) Talking about their books and projects and just quilting and fabric - it was like a mini-forum! Ha ha!
Heather and Jamie had to leave the next morning but we had coffee and breakfast and just talked and talked - and made a huge mess (ha ha!).
Loved hanging out with you two....so fun and easy - the best kind!

I spent the next few days hanging out with my friend and cruising around Seattle.
On Wednesday we met up with Katie and Charise again and caught the ferry over to Bainbridge Island.

We did some shopping and then met up with Kathy for lunch. She is so great! Really down to earth and friendly and so smart about her business. We even got to visit Pink Chalk Fabrics and do some shopping - she has a great team there and what a fun place to work!! Love the space - so bright and open!

I just loved how unassuming everyone was - they may be big names in the quilting world but none of them acted like it and I loved that!
And the weather was gorgeous the whole time I was there - sunny but cool.

I made my first trip to Ikea! And yes, I had to pack an extra box to bring home...

I'm really wishing I had gotten my phone out more and taken more pictures! Of Seattle but mostly of the people I met up with - seriously wishing for a do-over in that area!
On Thursday I flew out to Sewing Summit but I'll save that for another post.