I should really do better about blogging so I don't have a million things to share when I finally sit down to blog!
I never thought I would need to actually schedule myself to blog but that's kind of what it's turning into these days. Mostly cause I'm just so busy sewing in any free minute I get!
I have a really big craft fair this Sunday - at least I'm hoping it's really big.

I've never been to this one before but have heard it's a really good one so guess I'll have to wait and see.

I'm sewing as much as I can (yes, I wait until the week before to sew everything - don't you?!).
I did close the Studio Cherie giveaway and will pick the winners next Tuesday after I've recovered from the craft fair.
OK enough about craft fairs...how about some Halloween pictures?!
I didn't manage to get one of the oldest but got one of the rest of us.
Our church partners with another church for a huge Fall Festival every year. It's all free and is so fun for the community.

I was in charge of the jumper for a few hours - check out my cute little Wonder Woman helper (she's a friend's daughter).

Hubs was a crazy Duck Dynasty distant relative - think he must be related to Si.
and the kiddos:

Batman is VERY serious!

They had a pie eating contest this year (pumpkin pie) and there were three different age categories - and my boys/men swept the whole thing!
I got lots of jokes about not feeding them after it was over!

So fun!
Oh - and checkout my sister-in-law and brother's costumes!!

Is that not the coolest?! She made the heads out of paper mache and paint and fake fur - they were so awesome!!

I also finished up a quilt for a friend's baby shower this past Sunday.

(setting up)
She's having a girl - she's also my hairdresser so I had to go in real quick yesterday for a cut and color since she's due to have the baby any day now!

I used the Blind Co-Pilot pattern from Katie and Jacquie's book - best book ever!!

OK I'm off to put elastic into skirt waists and sew up zipper pouches.
Have a great Friday everyone (or Saturday if you are in Australia)!