What a fun trip!

I can't believe all the people I finally got to meet (and I'm bummed I wasn't better about taking pictures with everyone)!
Jacquie (we've been friends on-line for so long so it was so nice to finally meet her).

Rossie (another longtime on-line friend) - we ran into each other on one of the aisles and talked forever (I loved it)! This picture is not the greatest of the two of us but oh well....

Melody Miller - eep! Total fan girl moment here - and she is just so sweet!

And I'm going to apologize in advance mid-post cause if you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen ALL these pictures.
But my phone was the only camera I took so they are all I got.
Peg (from Sew Fresh Fabrics - and Becca too but somehow I spaced on getting a pic of the three of us)!

I had such a fun time. Heather was so generous in letting me crash at her house - thanks again, Heather!

I had never been to Market before so I wasn't sure what to expect. Besides seeing all the amazing booths, my favorite part was just running into people on every aisle and just chatting away!
I saw so many friends that I had met at Sewing Summit.

And of course my trio of sweet friends from Seattle (Katie, Krista and Sandie).

Loved getting to know them better this trip.

I hung out with Laura and John a bunch (he's just as sweet in person as he is on-line). And Laura is just the best - they are both so mellow and easy to talk to. We even went to a Cold War Kids concert (I felt really old at that one - lol)!

(I stole this one from Laura who I think stole it from John)
And the booths!!
Violet's quilt from her new line - it's AH-mazing! It's called Waterfront Park.

Jeni's booth - her new line is SO good! Love the colors and patterns! She is such a sweetie. She witnessed my fan girl moment with Melody Miller - lol!

Mo Bedell's booth - she won first place too - it was gorgeous! So bummed I didn't get a pic of Mo, Monica and I :(

Patty Young's new line:

how cute is this outfit?

Rashida's booth - again, can't wait for this line!

Tula Pink (who is hilarious). And her new line is amazing!

And Melody Miller - of course I LOVE her new line! :-)

And the new Echino/Kokka lines - I'm dying - those scooters are SO good! And the cameras!

Fun parties, good food, staying up super late - no wonder I'm tired now!
I have some production sewing to do in the next few days. Knife cases for my dad and some clutches for a wholesale order. Better find a good book to listen to.
We also have a jiu jitsu tournament this weekend - life doesn't slow down for you just cause you are tired, does it?!
That's ok - I'm happy to be home and itching to sew up a few quilts that are in process! Hopefully soon!