So yeah, it's been awhile. AGAIN.
Instagram has taken over any blogging desires I've had. But I'm realizing that as much as we can connect with people on Instagram, our voices don't really come through like they can on a blog.
So I'm back here....I love looking through my blog and seeing all the years gone by. And I want that to keep going. So I'm going to try and post at least once a week - that's a goal for now :-)
We had a pretty packed summer. Our family went on a mission trip to Mexico.
Actually Kevin and I were the leaders of the team (along with two young guys). I gotta say - it was one of the hardest things I've a leader with my family there too. Cause I had to be mom to my kids but also mom/leader to 13 other kids too.
But it was an amazing time and I'm so glad we all got to go. I know we want to go back soon.
It was so fun being able to speak Spanish too.
We had some pretty rough living conditions but the kids (all of them) never complained and just went along with whatever we had planned. We had a great team.
I loved being able to spend time with this guy too - he was the hardest worker. I honestly didn't realize how neat it would be to go as a family.
Only problem was this little person developed a huge fear of flying which made airports the WORST!
She was ok after she got on the plane - just the anticipation was horrible. And a nightmare for her parents who were supposed to be in charge of the rest of the team too.
We did lots of work on the place we were staying and a few local projects too.
I mostly cooked. and cooked. and cooked. Lol! But I had so much help from the local missionaries and another family that came down there to help us (they were the biggest help ever).
We are back now (well, we have been for a while) and I'm back to sewing all the orders that piled up while I was gone.
And some fun stuff too!
Some baby items for Mai.
And some pouches are in the works for my shop.
And if you've read this far...and are still following me here - you deserve a prize!!
So leave a comment and I'll pick one of you to get a zip pouch filled with treats! Just say hi!