Or actually the lack thereof. Progress that is. There's plenty of half-finished things laying around. I just can't seem to find the time. Which is funny since I'm pretty much home all the time. Could it have to do with the 4 little monsters people running around here? Perhaps. I mean we do homeschool so I can cut myself some slack there...but it's not like it takes us all day to do school (at least not most days!).
At least the clothes are put away folded.

So instead of completed projects I thought I'd show some that need to get done. Maybe it will give me motivation to work on some.
Here is the bathroom door.

We bought this house almost 4 years ago. Hubby completely renovated the bathroom. I don't know if I've ever shown pictures of it. That can be another post. But the door has yet to be painted (and the ceiling but whoever looks at that?).
I want to do this to it.

Taken from suziebeezie's photos on Flikr
I have the paint and everything. What I lack is Motivation.
And then there's this door. It still has to be sanded and primed again. And then painted. I think that blue tape has been on there too long. That should be my next project. I just don't know what color. I would paint it red but that just requires too many coats. Plus I'm not sure how red would go with blue and brown.

Oh speaking of red...this is my new bedspread. And (gulp) it is from here...but it is Beautiful and sooooo soft!! It is like snuggling up with clouds. At least what I imagine clouds feel like. Now I just need to get some shams that match...I'm thinking yellow.

And the girls' curtains.....not much progress here.

I want to do a soft ruffle around the sides and bottom but need to order more of this fabric.

Oh and there's still this dresser. It is still sitting outside waiting for it's makeover. Don't worry, it's out of the rain.
And these cupboards in the kitchen. They are also almost 4 years old. And poor things have been naked since I bought them. I really should cover them up.

But in brighter news, I have officially joined Weight Watchers. And I have given up Coke (well, haven't had any since Saturday). I can't believe how many veggies I am eating now....or water I'm drinking. I really have a lot more energy - hopefully it will translate into completed projects. I'm going to attempt soccer today too...we'll see how my knee holds up.